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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

The moment we allow ourselves to look at our emotions, just as they are… everything changes.

What Is ACT?

ACT is a therapy modality based on two foundations:

  1. Accepting the thoughts and feelings that arise in you, rather than trying to fight against them, push them away, avoid them, or change them enables you to release them. Although you can not change the past, you can release the grip of the emotions associated with it, and live fully in the present.

  2. Committing to moving forward with your life, despite difficult emotions. The goal is for you to focus on healing and building the life you want instead of being stuck in a past you cannot change.


Thus, instead of dwelling and ruminating, you can honour your past for what it is, without allowing it to rule the present. ACT also allows you to identify your core values and goals so you can align your actions with your truth. ACT promotes self-honesty, which has life-changing benefits. It can be surprising just how dishonest we can be with ourselves without even noticing we are doing it. The inevitable result is a constant struggle, one of you battling against yourself. Mindfulness plays a central role in ACT, which allows present moment attention and awareness and collaboration with your thoughts, emotions, and sensations. This enables you to align deeply with your own self, and by extension your truth. The result: flow and harmony.


It would be an honour to assist you on this journey to healing.

act therapy ontario
Beach at Sunset

Is ACT Effective?

Among other conditions, ACT can be helpful in the treatment of depression, PTSD and trauma, and anxiety. By extension, it can help reduce or eliminate overwhelm and assist in overcoming the present effects of difficult past experiences. Chronic pain, which typically has an emotional component, can also be reduced.

ACT Therapy Can Help You Reclaim Your Personal Power

ACT Therapist in Ontario

Hello, I'm Manon, and I'd love to support you in finding relief from the the pain associated with the difficulties you're currently experiencing.


My name is Manon, and I'd love to support support you in finding relief from the pain you are experiencing. ACT therapy can help you rediscover your joyful, peaceful self. What if healing was much closer than you think?


ACT is designed to enable you to navigate challenging emotions and situations effectively. Through this approach, you'll also develop the skills you need to build a life that feels more meaningful, and to overcome obstacles with ease and grace.


If you're curious about ACT and its healing potential, I invite you to schedule a complimentary initial consultation with me. I’d love to meet with you and answer your questions.


Manon Sookocheff

act therapist ontario

Book ACT Therapy Today

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

Are you interested in starting ACT therapy? You probably have many questions or perhaps you’re wondering which therapeutic approach may be best for your situation. If so, I invite you to book a free initial consultation.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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