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Anxiety Therapy

Relief from anxiety IS possible. You can release the constant fear that hijacks you and stop you in your tracks. Healing is within your grasp, and I can help.

I’ve suffered with debilitating anxiety for years. I get it. It takes over and runs the show…and it’s not a good show! It would be an honour to walk with you on this healing journey.

What Anxiety Can Look Like

anxiety therapy

Anxiety symptoms can be absolutely terrifying, leaving you feeling like there is absolutely no way out. In the moment, you may even be convinced you are dying. While the symptoms can be completely debilitating, they only tell a small part of the story. You body actually thinks it’s doing you a favour and literally saving your life by reacting this way (read more about anxiety).


We can help your body change its mind, and thus remain calm when there is no real threat. If the source is addressed, the symptoms disappear. The following symptoms are often correlated with anxiety:


  • You worry a lot, can’t stop the worry, and feel out of control;

  • You experience intense fear in situations where others can remain calm;

  • You keep worrying even after being given a logical reason why the situation doesn’t merit the worry;

  • You experience panic attacks;

  • Your anxious feelings get in the way of your normal daily functioning;

  • You are easily irritated, frustrated, or flooded with emotion;

  • You find it difficult to concentrate;

  • Your mind frequently goes blank;

  • You have sleep-related troubles;

  • You experience physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, nausea, tightness or soreness in muscles.


If you recognize yourself, perhaps we need to chat. Book a free consult to learn more about how I can help.

Beach at Sunset

Anxiety Therapy – Find Relief

Anxiety therapy can help you understand the underlying causes of your anxiety and the detrimental thinking patterns and behaviors that escalate the anxiety. When we identify the root cause of your fears, the false beliefs that a part of you holds as truths, we can reveal the actual truth to your body in a way that it will understand so it can feel safe and free to release the falsehoods.


My approach to anxiety therapy is twofold:

  1. First, I help you identify the false/erroneous negative beliefs that are guiding your current thinking and behaviour. These beliefs keep you stuck, terrified, self-critical, and limited.

  2. Once identified, we dissolve those beliefs and adopt more adaptive and positive ones that allow you to live more calmly and peacefully.


If you want to know more about anxiety therapy with me, I would love to chat with you in a free initial consultation.


How will anxiety therapy help you?

When plagued with unbearable anxiety symptoms, we just want relief. To find that relief, we often turn to strategies, such as avoiding certain situations, following rigid routines, embarking in elaborate calming rituals, contesting our thought patterns to convince ourselves we are safe, etc.!  While strategies can be effective at times (if you catch your symptoms before they begin to escalate), they can also be exhausting and limiting. Planning for every possible outcome is hard work!


In our work together, I invite you to explore the root cause of your anxiety. The nagging beliefs that get activated in those times of distress. From there, together we process and release those beliefs and the emotions associated with them so you can be free from anxiety.


Healing from anxiety will change how you think, how you feel, and how you live your life…everyday!

Let Me Help You Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety Therapist in Ontario

Hello, my name is Manon, and I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggle with anxiety.


I imagine you are here because you are tired of this constant, overwhelming worry that seems to take over your life. You’ve had enough, and you want something to change. If that’s the case, you are in the right place. My personal experience with anxiety allows me to empathize fully with your suffering, while my professional training and years of clinical experience enable me to accompany you on this healing journey in an effective and supportive manner.


I know it can be scary to have no idea what to do to ease the pain. But that’s why I’m here: So you don’t need to figure this out all on your own. I look forward to meeting you for a free initial consultation.


Manon Sookocheff

anxiety therapist ontario

Book Anxiety Therapy In Ontario Today

Start With a Free 15-minute Consultation

If you’re ready to shift from overwhelming fear to peace, I’m here to help you. I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me. We will meet via video, and I’ll be ready to answer any question you might have about anxiety therapy, my services and my approach to healing.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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