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Burnout Therapy

Burnout and excessive stress can leave you feeling completely depleted and unable to carry on

I can help you reclaim that vibrant YOU who looks forward to the day and operates from a full tank.

Burnout Is More Than Just Tiredness.
Is This How You Feel?

burnout therapy

You are probably here because you don't quite recognize yourself, and it feels a little scary… Or maybe it feels completely terrifying. Burnout can affect your whole life and daily functioning:

  • Perhaps you feel completely drained, like there's nothing left in the tank, like you're running on fumes, and you just can't seem to fill back up.

  • Your sleep might be less than optimal. You're exhausted, but either can't get to sleep or maybe you can fall asleep readily but can't stay asleep. Maybe you wake up with racing thoughts of problems that feel completely unresolvable at the moment.

  • Maybe your emotions feel like they are all over the place, ranging from seemingly inexplicable sadness to bouts of anger bordering on rage, to the abrasiveness of irritability, to perhaps even feeling like you don't care at all.

If that’s the case for you, let’s talk. You and those you love deserve the most authentic, healthy, free, peaceful, and joyful version of you.

Beach at Sunset

Burnout Therapy – Find Joy In Your Various Roles

Burnout is more than just prolonged tiredness or an unwillingness to perform tasks. The sustained stress can keep you trapped and play havoc on your physical and emotional health. Your immune system can become depleted, leading you to become sick more easily and more often.


Burnout can affect all aspects of your well-being and everyday functioning. People who suffer with burnout often experience anxiety, sadness, and difficulty communicating with other people.


I can help you reclaim that vibrant YOU who looks forward to the day and operates with ease and joy. The version of you that is engaged, and excited is still in there… under a pile of rubble placed upon you in the form of experiences, self-beliefs, breeched boundaries, and messages absorbed from other people and society. It does not have to be this way. Let’s chat.


How will burnout therapy help you?

Burnout therapy will help you recover from more than just chronic exhaustion. It can have profound effects on both your physical and emotional well-being. Through therapy, you can rediscover your energetic and enthusiastic self, the person who eagerly faces each day with joy and engagement.

Let’s Work Together to Overcome Your Burnout

Burnout Therapist in Ontario

Hello, my name is Manon, and I’m here to help you to the other side of burnout.


Whether you do a job that was once pleasant or feel stuck in your current workplace, burnout can be a serious threat not just to your work performance but also to your functioning outside of work. It can have a direct impact on the relationships with people you love. Burnout does not need to be the result of work-related pressure; it can also come from compassionate care or any other role you might take on in your life.

I invite you to find out more about burnout therapy. I would love for you to rediscover that peaceful and joyful version of you that probably feels like a shadow of the long lost past. Book a free consultation below, and let us get started.


Manon Sookocheff

burnout therapist

Book Burnout Therapy in Ontario Today

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

If you're feeling like you might be experiencing burnout and want to find peace and stability, I'm here to support you. Let's schedule a free consultation where we can meet via video. During this session, I can answer any questions you have about my services, and how I approach healing and finding yourself again through seemingly impossible times.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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