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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Learn how to change behaviours and thoughts that do not serve you

What Is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you overcome challenges by changing the way you think and behave. CBT is based on a simple yet profound idea – our thoughts, feelings, and actions are interconnected. Thus, you can find yourself stuck in negative feeling-thought-behaviour patterns that make your life difficult, without even realizing you are stuck in a pattern. CBT helps you identify those patterns so you can interrupt them and eliminate them from your daily functioning.


CBT therapy enables you to shift from those harmful thoughts and behaviours to more positive, healthy, and growth-enhancing ones. As a result, you can greatly improve the way you feel and make permanent changes in your life.

cbt therapy ontario
Beach at Sunset

Is CBT Effective?

CBT can help with a variety of issues. It’s been proven to help with conditions such as:


  • Anxiety and stress

  • Low self-confidence or low self-esteem

  • Low motivation

  • Panic attacks

  • Phobias


If you’re struggling with any of those challenges, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Let Me Help You Improve Your Mental Well-Being

CBT Therapist in Ontario

My name is Manon, and I’m here to help you eliminate negative thoughts and behavioural patterns from your life and achieve mental clarity and stability. In our work together, we address more than just the symptoms of your distress. We explore the root cause of your current struggles so you can process and release any negative belief you hold about yourself that is simply not true, not helpful, and painful to carry.


CBT allows you to identify what’s holding you back and replace negative feeling-thought-behaviour patterns with truer, healthier and more useful ones.


If you are ready to get started, or are at least curious, you can schedule a free initial consultation (below), during which I can tell you more about what you can expect therapy with me to look like. I will be ready to answer any question you may have about our time together.


Manon Sookocheff

cbt therapist ontario

Book CBT Therapy With Me Today

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

Are you interested in starting CBT therapy? You probably have many questions or perhaps you’re wondering which therapeutic approach may be best for your situation. If so, I invite you to book a free initial consultation.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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