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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Focus on four areas that improve your mental well-being

What Is DBT?

In Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), the term “dialectical” means combining opposite ideas. With DBT, these opposite ideas are acceptance and change. DBT therapy involves an acceptance of the reality of your current life and thus an empowerment to change unhelpful behaviours that feed your distress. After all, accepting that something exists is the only way to help transform it or eliminate it. There is much power in awareness. The protective denial of not looking at what ails us ironically only makes it grow.


We will help you accept and explore where you are at while taking steps towards modifying harmful patterns and behaviours that keep you stuck in this seemingly impossible cycle of pain. DBT allows you to learn to embrace and honour all emotions while reclaiming power over the behaviours you exhibit as a result of those emotions. Overwhelm, when looked at directly, loses its power and guides our next steps.


DBT focuses on four areas of your mental well-being:

  • Mindfulness

  • Distress tolerance

  • Emotion regulation

  • Interpersonal effectiveness


Working those into your life can allow you to experience more peace and calm more often, befriend your emotions and let them guide you, take charge of the behaviours you exhibit as a response to your emotions, and improve your relationships.

dbt therapy
Beach at Sunset

Is DBT Effective?

Just like CBT, DBT is effective with many conditions. It’s been proven especially effective for patients experiencing intense emotions and struggling with managing them.


DBT can be used if you struggle with:

  • Severe depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

  • Overwhelm and excessive stress

Let Me Help You Improve Your Emotional Well-Being

DBT Therapist in Ontario

My name is Manon, and I'm here to support you in finding relief from the challenges you're facing. I have seen firsthand the positive impact that DBT can have on clients dealing with mental-health challenges.


DBT can help you tolerate and diffuse intense emotions, improve interpersonal relationships, and navigate distressing situations with ease. It's a compassionate and effective approach that provides you with the skills and tools you need to navigate your life's challenges.


I will happily tell you more about DBT and how this therapy helps you heal and lead a more peaceful life. If you are interested in a non-binding conversation about DBT and therapy in general, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me (you can do so below).


Manon Sookocheff

dbt therapist ontario

Book DBT Therapy in Ontario

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

Are you interested in starting DBT therapy? You probably have many questions or perhaps you’re wondering which therapeutic approach may be best for your situation. If so, I invite you to book a free initial consultation.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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