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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping)

Healing at your fingertips

What Is EFT Tapping?

eft tapping therapy

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also called EFT tapping, meridian tapping (or just tapping) is a gentle release technique that allows for the accelerated processing of negative emotions. It can help alter false negative self-beliefs, access, process, and release stuck trauma that keeps us in a state of constant vigilance, ease anxiety, and relieve stress. The simple technique can also be used as a self-help tool between sessions…and beyond. 


EFT tapping operates under the assumption that all negative emotions are the result of disruptions in the individual’s energy system. The technique consists of tapping acupressure points on the body while tuning into a specific event, memory, emotion, pain, or trauma.


EFT has consistently shown quick, lasting relief from emotional pain. Also, since physical ailments typically contain an underlying emotional component, EFT is an effective method for addressing physical issues, from mild discomfort to chronic pain.

​The acupressure points are a subset of the points used in acupuncture; except we don’t use needles during EFT tapping. We simply tap the points with our fingers. The points we tap are located on the endpoints of your body’s energy meridians. Your energy meridians are like highways that transport energy throughout your body. By tapping these points while tuning into negative emotions, you can communicate directly with your energy system to help remove old beliefs about yourself that no longer serve you.

What Does an EFT Tapping Session Look Like?

What we do in a tapping session is actually quite simple in principle. While we tune into a negative emotion, memory, trauma, or event, we tap the end points of your energy meridians (e.g., top of head, eyebrows, sides of eyes, under eyes, under nose, chin, collar bones, under arms, sides of hands, etc.) to accelerate the processing and releasing of negative emotions, allowing us to shift from pain to peace.

eft tapping therapist
Beach at Sunset

​Understand EFT Tapping: Your Past Pain is Like a Car Pileup on the Highway

If the meridians are energy pathways, like highways, then let’s think of the disruption in the system, or the energy block, as a car pileup on the highway. What happens? The cars in the pileup can’t move. They are stuck. The cars right behind the pileup, even though they are free to move, can’t go anywhere because the road is blocked.


Those way behind the pileup are also stopped, but they don’t know why. They are so far behind the pileup that all they know is that they are stuck.


The pileup can be viewed as the initial trauma — the block in your energy system. The cars right behind are the ways in which you reorganized your life and the self-limiting beliefs you created about yourself as a result of the trauma. The car at the end of the long line of backed-up traffic is you now.


You can’t move, and have no idea why. With EFT, we can remove the pileup, and thus restore the flow of traffic – bringing balance back to your life.

Let Me Help You Heal With EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping in Ontario

My name is Manon, and I’m here to help you heal from past trauma and difficult emotions that hinder your functioning today.


EFT tapping is one of my favourite somatic therapy techniques, primarily because it’s very effective, flexible, and simple. I use EFT tapping to help you deal with anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, and even self-esteem issues.


If you’re looking for a trusted, EFT certified, EFT tapping practitioner, I’m here for you. I encourage you to schedule a free initial consultation, where I’ll be happy to tell you more about this therapeutic approach.


Manon Sookocheff

eft tapping therapist in ontario

Book EFT Tapping Therapy With Me

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

If you are curious about EFT tapping and what it can do for you, I’d be happy to tell you more about this approach to healing. You might also want to determine whether you think you and I are a good fit.


Let’s start with a free initial consultation. I can answer questions and tell you more about my work and my approach to healing. Just go to my calendar and pick the time and date that works for you.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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