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You're Not Alone With Your Challenges

I'm here to support you every step of the way

Thank You For Stopping By. I Invite You To Find Out More About How I Can Help You:

In our journey together, my first priority is to create an environment that is conducive to healing. Healing begins when we can accept where we are at in the moment, while having just enough hope (to matter how minuscule) to entertain the possibility that maybe, just maybe  things can be different for us. I've been there, and as painful and as seemingly hopeless the experience all was, it has given me the gift of understanding, and therefore ensuring I provide you with an environment in which you know, despite your feelings of hopelessness, healing is within your reach, and probably closer than you think.


I believe most of our suffering is the result of what we come to believe about ourselves and the world as a result of negative experiences. Every decision we make is, to some degree, based on what we hold as fundamental truths about ourselves and the world. When we alter those negative self-beliefs, everything changes.


For more on the role of beliefs in healing, see: Healing: Finding Your Way From Pain To Peace...And How Your Body Can Help.


With that in mind, my approach is twofold: 1) I help people identify the false/erroneous negative beliefs that are guiding their thoughts-emotions-behaviours and keeping them stuck, and 2) I help them dissolve those beliefs and adopt more adaptive beliefs, which in turn affects their thoughts, emotions, and ensuing behaviours, allowing them to live more calmly, peacefully, and authentically.


I achieve the first part using mainstream approaches such as CBT, DBT, ACT, and Person-Centered Therapy, while seeing the behaviour as a symptom of the problem, the true problem being the false beliefs, a foundation based on our version of the truth, which is not really the truth. Once those beliefs are identified, I turn to somatic approaches such as EFT tapping and EMDR to modify those beliefs at a subconscious level.

Beach at Sunset

Challenges I Can Help You Overcome




Self-Doubt/Low Self-Esteem


Feeling Overwhelmed

Let's Overcome Your Challenges Together


Free yourself from the burden of past trauma so you can reclaim the present moment without reexperiencing the painful past. It IS possible to leave the past where it belongs and experience peace of mind.


Turn anxiety into peace, feel peaceful and empowered, with the confidence that you will not suddenly get hijacked by irrational fear.


Reclaim your power and return to the driver’s seat. You are in charge.


Reignite your passion for what was once engaging and reclaim the balance that allows you to operate from a place of flow, instead of one of depletion.


Heal from depression with therapy designed to reconnect with yourself, so you can experience hope, joy, lightness, and awe in your daily life.

I invite you to visit those sections of my website that seem interesting - you will find out more about how I can help you with your challenges. You can also go straight to booking a free initial consultation with me. Just click the button below:

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