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Overwhelm Therapy

Find your calm in the raging storm

Work with me and find compassionate guidance to navigate your life's challenges.

Sometimes, It’s Just Too Much For One Person To Bear

overwhelm therapy

If things consistently feel like they are “too much” or if you keep telling yourself “after this week, it will be better”, or “after this project, things will slow down”, or “once he’s out of diapers…”, you might be experiencing a pattern of overwhelm. And as much as it feels like a temporary state, a response to a particularly busy time, if it tends to repeat itself, something is going on in the background that lets it creep in.


Dealing with life's challenges alone can be exhausting. I'm here to help you navigate this storm.

Beach at Sunset

Overwhelm Therapy in Ontario

Together, we will explore the root causes of your overwhelm, identify patterns and beliefs that prompt you to take on too much, to let things accumulate, or to feel the need to tackle everything on your own. With that exploration comes clarity and perspective, the first step on the path to addressing overwhelming thoughts.


I use a variety of cognitive and somatic approaches to therapy to help you identify and modify the false negative self-beliefs behind the pattern of overwhelm. Together, we can turn overwhelm into peace and self-empowerment.


My approach relies heavily on accessing the subconscious mind and thus your own personal power to heal yourself. Instead of simply learning strategies to manage symptoms, we work together towards eliminating the root cause of your current distress.


How will overwhelm therapy help you?

Overwhelm therapy will allow you to reclaim your power in the face of life’s challenges. Even if your current situation feels dire, there is no need to be alone in it. Thoughts of overwhelm only invite thoughts of overwhelm. Together, we can let go of whatever is in place that makes you susceptible to becoming overwhelmed so you can operate from a place of growth and resilience.

Let's Face Life's Challenges Together

Trusted Psychotherapist in Ontario

Hello, my name is Manon, and I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggle with life’s challenges.


Sometimes it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you don’t know how you could possibly handle one more thing. You might even feel like it’s all up to you, and you need to rise up to all of those challenges all on your own. But the truth is, you don't! I invite you to come work with me so we can tackle the overwhelm head on, and help you see what is truly yours to carry and how you got into a place where it feels like everything is up to you, and you alone. I can help you find strength and give you the tools you need to not just cope with your challenges but to actually heal and carry on in a way that is not only more manageable, but enjoyable, and in line with your true self.


You don't need to figure this out all on your own. I've been there, too, and I'm ready to help. I look forward to meeting you for a free initial consultation.


Manon Sookocheff

overwhelm therapist

Book Therapy in Ontario Today

Start With a Free 15-Minute Consultation

If you’re ready to shift from this crushing feeling of overwhelm to peace, stability, and empowerment, you’re in the right place. You can start now by scheduling a free initial consultation with me. We will meet via video, and I’ll answer your questions about therapy, my services and my approach to healing and getting out of overwhelm.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to chatting with you!


Manon Sookocheff

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