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You Really Are What You Believe ... But You Don’t Have to Be

Updated: Jun 18

We’ve all heard Einstein’s saying that we can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that created it. Similarly, we can’t create the life we want with old beliefs about ourselves that don’t match that expected reality.

For example, if you have a subconscious belief that you are unworthy, but consciously you try to convince yourself that you deserve the job/promotion/<insert wonderful desire>, your brain kind of implodes! And because 95% of what we do (choices, decision making, habits…) comes from subconscious programming, and only 5% from our “thinking brain”, the conscious mind, guess who wins? The subconscious mind that thinks you are unworthy or the conscious mind that tries to convince you you deserve it? The math is easy, subconscious mind for the win!

When we say we attract what we believe, it is not some kind of cosmic, hypothetical, mystical out-there concept. It is plain, predictable, objective reality. Our beliefs are our truths. And if somewhere in my subconscious mind I believe I am not enough, unworthy, defective, lesser than, deficient, unlovable, guilty, shameful, undeserving, that it’s my job to keep everyone happy, …because that’s what I was meant to believe once upon a time, that’s my version of the truth, and by extension the starting point for every choice I make, which ultimately creates my life. Hence our patterns! We encounter the same types of problems over and over, choose the same kinds of relationships again and again, and even begin to expect such outcomes!!

The way out, no matter how much we resist it, is not a thinking exercise, it’s quite the opposite in fact. If we could “think” our way out of our problems, most of us would have no problems at all! We are experts at thinking, analyzing, over-analyzing, rehashing, all to the point of exhaustion, only to come back to our starting point before we repeat the exact same cycle of thoughts. Sound familiar?

What if we could simply communicate with our subconscious mind in a way it understands, and say: “those crazy things I believe about myself, and that maybe I don’t even know I believe, they were never true, they just helped me survive, once upon a time, when I had no choice. Please dispose of those beliefs when you are deciding what I’m going to do next.”

Once our subconscious beliefs change, everything changes! That last 10 lbs suddenly comes off, that procrastination disappears, that depression lifts, that crippling anxiety stops showing up, that self-doubt feels like it never existed in the first place, those habits lose their grip, and we return to the driver’s seat. We take charge effortlessly.

If that journey speaks to you, come tap with me. Here’s how it works.


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