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Discover Somatic Therapies

See how they can help you heal

What Are Somatic Therapies?

Somatic therapies rely on what we experience in our minds and bodies, as well as the connection between the two to connection for healing. In the somatic realm, I use EFT Tapping and EMDR to facilitate healing. These therapies help release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and process traumatic experiences. Go to each subpage to find out more about EFT Tapping and EMDR:

EFT Tapping

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also called EFT tapping, meridian tapping (or just tapping) is a gentle release technique that allows for the accelerated processing of negative emotions. It can help alter false negative self-beliefs, access, process, and release stuck trauma and let go of negative emotions.


Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing (EMDR) a therapeutic modality that uses bilateral stimulation (traditionally eye movements) to help you process trauma and reduce its impact on your current mental state. This process, tied within a framework, helps with the elimination of the emotional disturbance associated with a traumatic memory.

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