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Trauma Therapy

Past experiences can show up in the present and take over your life. Healing from trauma is possible and within your reach.

You can feel whole again; together, we can remind your body and mind that the past is over and that you are safe now.

Understand Trauma And How It Affects You

trauma therapy

Events don’t traumatize us. It is what we come to believe about ourselves and the world as a result of those traumatic experiences that lingers and taints our current experiences and leaves us feeling like we are never quite safe, never quite present in the moment. This happens whether we are aware of the nature of the trauma or not.​


Trauma doesn’t need to be the result of being in a war zone, a major accident, an assault, or any other event you would read about on the news. The moment something happens that creates a new (and untrue) belief about yourself (e.g., “I’m worthless.”, “I’m unlovable.”, “I am all alone.”, “I’m guilty.”, “I’m undeserving.”, etc.), you begin to respond differently to the world; you begin to be limited in your choices.


​You may feel forced to stay small, play it safe, and take fewer chances. You may also get triggered easily and sometimes inexplicably.


Those untruths that are now stored in the subconscious mind can be released. You can reclaim your freedom and your sense of safety.

Beach at Sunset

Trauma Therapy – Reclaim Your Personal Power

Maybe your trauma manifests as flashbacks, nightmares, or some other clues pointing to specific events. Maybe you have no idea why you react the way you do and what happened to you. In either case, your body knows. And we can utilize its wisdom to help you heal.


Together, we can remind your nervous system that the past is over, and you are safe now. We do this in ways that your body and mind will understand and respond to; by reclaiming that natural, peaceful, free, joyful state. Trauma leaves you fragmented. Trauma therapy invites a return to wholeness.


You and those you love absolutely deserve that delightfully present, peaceful, and joyful YOU. And trauma therapy can help you achieve that.


How will trauma therapy help you?

Trauma therapy allows you to return to a peaceful state where you can be present and engaged in the now rather than constantly hijacked by the past.​ I use two main therapeutic approaches to help clients who deal with trauma - EMDR and EFT Tapping. You can find our more about both of them below.​

EMDR in Trauma Treatment

EMDR has been shown to be effective in overcoming the aftermath of trauma. It is a well-supported therapeutic modality that uses specific bilateral stimulation to help you process the traumatic memories and lessen their impact on how you experience the present.


EMDR can not only be effective in processing and releasing traumatic events such as car accidents, wars, assaults, the loss of a child…(called big T traumas); it can also be effective for addressing experiences such as childhood teasing or bullying that have left us with beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” that we still operate under in the world years later (called little t traumas).


EMDR therapy has been proven to be effective when dealing with the following conditions:

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Panic attacks

  • Phobias

  • Dissociative disorders and more


What Does An EMDR Session Look Like?

First, the client and therapist work together to collect basic information about the traumatic experience, the nagging beliefs that persist and cloud day-to-day experiences, or symptoms associated with possible trauma (even if we have no memory of the trauma) such as hypervigilance, nightmares, etc.


Here is a snippet of what such a session might look like for a single incident trauma of a car accident:




Together, the client and the therapist identify a starting target, by respecting a set of conditions for effectiveness. In this case, they opted for the moment the other car struck them. Other options may have been seeing the other car approach, the look on one of the victim’s faces, the sight of the blood, the smell of engine fuel, the sound of sirens, the sensation of being stuck in the vehicle, etc.


Therapist: Bring back the image of the car hitting you.


The therapist helps the client identify the negative belief associated with it.


Client: I’ll never get over this.


Then, a preferred, positive belief, one that the client would like to believe and integrate but does not yet believe, is named.


Client: It’s over; I can move on with my life now.


Next, the client is asked to rate, on a scale (called the VOC scale) of 1 (not true at all) to 7 (completely true), how true the positive belief feels when connected to the target. At this stage, it usually doesn't feel very true. The client is then asked to identify the emotions that the target brings up, rate the level of distress associated with it on a scale (called the SUDs scale) of 0 to 10, and identify where in the body the disturbance is experienced.


Client: Fear and shame, with disturbance level 10, in belly and chest.


Then, the client is asked to hold in awareness the target, the negative belief, and the disturbing body sensations associated with the feelings. At the same time, the therapist guides the client’s eyes to move rapidly back and forth (or other bilateral stimulation used). This is done in sets, which may last from a few seconds to a few minutes. During each set the client is instructed to just notice whatever changes occur in mind and body, without attempting to control the experience in any way.


Occasionally, in the first few sets (first few minutes), there is an increase in the disturbance level. After a few sets of bilateral stimulations, with each new set, the target becomes less and less disturbing, and the positive belief feels increasingly true. The target is completely processed when recall of the image no longer brings up disturbing emotions, and the preferred positive belief feels completely true.


Client: Recalls the event accurately but no longer feels threatened by the image. It now feels like a distant memory rather than something that is happening right now.

EFT Tapping in Trauma Treatment

eft tapping therapy

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also called EFT tapping, meridian tapping (or just tapping) is a gentle release technique that allows for the accelerated processing of negative emotions.


EFT tapping operates under the assumption that all negative emotions are the result of disruptions in the individual’s energy system. The technique consists of tapping acupressure points on the body while tuning into a specific event, memory, emotion, pain, or, yes, trauma.


EFT has consistently shown quick, lasting relief from emotional pain, including after traumatic events.

What Does An EFT Tapping Session Look Like?

​The acupressure points are a subset of the points used in acupuncture; except we don’t use needles during EFT tapping. We simply tap the points with our fingers. The points we tap are located on the endpoints of your body’s energy meridians. Your energy meridians are like highways that transport energy throughout your body. By tapping these points while tuning into negative emotions, you can communicate directly with your energy system to help remove old beliefs about yourself that no longer serve you.

What we do in a tapping session is actually quite simple in principle. While we tune into a negative emotion, memory, trauma, or event, we tap the end points of your energy meridians (e.g., top of head, eyebrows, sides of eyes, under eyes, under nose, chin, collar bones, under arms, sides of hands, etc.) to accelerate the processing and releasing of negative emotions, allowing us to shift from pain to peace.

eft tapping therapist

Let Me Help You Deal With Trauma

Trauma Therapist in Ontario (serving Ottawa area)

Hello, my name is Manon, and I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggle with trauma.


​Traumatic experiences can have a deep impact on your experience of life. They can hinder your growth and block you from living the calm, peaceful, and joyful life you are meant to live.


​This is where my role begins. I want to help you process and release the feelings and beliefs resulting from these experiences so that your past doesn’t define how you feel or behave today.


If you are ready to invite the possibility of being free from the painful past, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation so we can talk more about what we can achieve together.

Book Trauma Therapy in Ontario Today

Start With a Free 15-minute Consultation

If you’re ready to shift from reliving past experiences to inner peace, I’m here to help you. I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me. We will meet via video, and I’ll be happy to answer any question you might have about trauma therapy with me, my services and approach. To book this first free consultation, just use the contact form on this page.


If you think we are a good fit, we’ll discuss the next steps. However, if you need more time, don’t worry; there is also absolutely no need to commit to working together at the time of the consultation. You can get back to me if and when you decide you want to move things forward.


I look forward to meeting you!


Manon Sookocheff

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